Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I had a dream with lots of dogs in it last night and some cats. I remember the cats and the dogs who lived with me ended up befriending some strays who they wanted to keep with them. They ended up staying on the roof because the strays didn't want to sleep inside. One of the dogs was missing though so I went to find him. It led me to the middle of nowhere train tracks crossroads area. There was a lady here who owned a bunch of dogs. They were actually very vicious, but whenever one would growl at me I'd say hi and it would stop. She was sitting next to one dog that was in a cage. She told me I was good with dogs and I told her so was she. Then the caged dog attacked a couple puppies who had ended up against the fence thing. One disappeared and I scooped up the other asking why she let them do that. She said, why not? I decided to keep up the pup and asked what name to give it. I could actually talk to the animal telepathicly. The first name it gave I laughed and said no, but it ended up with his heart set on Tiger for some reason. He was all striped and a beige like orange. I couldn't take him home though, but I said I would come back to visit. The woman asked if I was going to the other side of the tracks and I said no. She said good, that her brother lived on the other side and he was a cruel person. I went back in the direction I came but I soon got lost and ended up in someone's yard. He started following me around and said he'd lift me over the fence. I got a strong creep vibe from him so i kept declining and got out of there real fast. I ran into another guy there who was just as creepy only more forceful he tried to hang on to me and what not so I ended up screaming for the woman. He asked what she was going to do, sick her pooches on him. The end of the dream ended up with people on my side attacking the small group of houses. It was all war like.

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