Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Truth Is...

You aren't a whore. You don't need to listen to or accept the demeaning things that other people say. It doesn't make it true. That means not slandering yourself as well. You're better then that so stop worrying so much about what others think. Be honest with them and even more-so with yourself. You don't need to cut yourself off from caring or other peoples love just because one person hurt you. Or even two or more. Sometimes its okay to let go and move on. To let free the hurt you hold. It's alright to cry and it's alright if you decide to e happy again. It's not wrong to believe the things people say. You don't always have to be afraid or expect the worse. Don't always have to worry about being weak and needing someone to lean on. Nobody can stand alone forever. Be strong, but not so strong you can't let anyone else near. You're beautiful, kind, confident, determined, intelligent and more loving then you let yourself know. You have so much to give if you'd only open up and allow yourself to do so. That doesn't mean you have to take on the burdens of everyone's life. You don't have to try and fix everyone's problems or heal their wounds. Stop spreading yourself to thin. It's not helping anyone. Accept some things are beyond your capability to handle. Don't hate or blame yourself for other people's pain or your inability to make it better. Not even angels can protect everyone.

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