Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Life Dream

Last night in my dream I was heading home.. Mandii was coming with me for some reason. The trip was shorter then I remember, but it had a really eerie feeling about it. When it came to a stop I got off and there was another.. bus like vehicle. When I seen no one else got off I asked him where he was going. He said, "To wherever your meant to be." Then I ran back over to the other bus cause I could feel it was going to leave and I asked where it was heading. He said "To the same place just not as fast." I didn't know which to go to, but at the last moment I ended up going with the new driver. Mandii got up and was beating against the bus window and even though I tried gesturing for her to come with me the bus was already pulling away. When it disappeared I suddenly got twisted thoughts about the driver I was with. That he wasn't quite.. normal. Well, when he turned to smile at me.. >.< It looked like his damn face was stretched and he had giant bug eyes and some creepy grin weird looking expression. Lets just say he was totally batty. Instead of following normal protocol he jumped the sidewalk and raced happily along the road, weaving between cars and what not, barely avoiding some. At one point I remember seeing a little girl, the dream completely slowed at this point and focused completely on her, but she was running across a side street. She was wearing a little red dress and I believe there were balloons.. Following was another older girl.. I'm not sure if she was trying to stop her or just following.. She seemed.. more in a hurry. Pulling me from the distraction was the fact we almost got hit by a car. I remember thinking about my dad and how to get ahold of him and wondering if he was in town. On another street we drove by a house that.. was.. open to us.. Like.. the front walls were missing so we could look inside. There were shelves of stuffed animals closest to us and after passing those we could see inside and there was an empty chair with a blanket strewn across it and few other things. The house was cleared out, because the elderly woman living there had died. I remember her from another dream that I had before. I was taking care of her and helping her out.

I woke up shortly after that. I take it as a dream about choosing a life path.. In the dream I feel like I chose the more unstable one and chose to leave things/people behind. As the dream continued it was showing me things along the path I've taken thus far and were it was heading, but I never reached the end before waking up.

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