She looks in the mirror and sees strange eyes staring back at her. So distant. Different then she remembered. The face there is distorted. Smudged by false images. It never changes. No matter how many times she tries to wipe the reflection clean. She's been trying so hard to live up to that ideal woman he holds in his mind, but she could never be that girl. She tried so hard to live up to their high standards, but she never quite reached the bar. She tried to give her hand to one and help them up, but ended up taking it from another and letting them fall. She tried to hide the hurt of the wounds being inflicted upon her heart, but the scars kept ripping open. She tried to cover the tears, but they still fell. She tried to hold onto her dreams, but they were twisted into nightmares. She tried to run, but they gave chase and she could never run that fast. So now she stands still and listens to their screams. No longer does she lift her arms in self defense, but allows the blows to fall upon beaten skin. She knows now that she can never be that person her heart yearned to be.

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