Thursday, April 10, 2014


So, the other day I came across a photo on my FB feed. The picture was of a woman who's passion happens to be photography and modeling in her own and others pictures. Well in this specific one she states that she was bored and so this picture happened. It was a lovely picture as they all turn out to be. She's really quite talented, but it was the commentary that drew away from the art of the picture. One guy posted the comment that she was beautiful and thanks for the image snack. Now, I don't know about personal messages she got from this guy, but she went off on him. She told him that he shouldn't be flirting with her and that he knows she's in a relationship and if he can't respect that than he shouldn't be friends with her. Now, this lights up an argument with a completely different guy that didn't see what she was so upset about and what I don't see her being upset about either. She is beautiful, and sorry, but telling someone that doesn't always equal flirting. Everyone claims that his saying beautiful wasn't the target of her hostility. It was the image snack part. Now, as an aspiring photographer/model she knows that those types of comments are bound to happen. If she didn't want to risk someone making that kind of comment then she shouldn't do photography, but in my opinion, I think it stemmed from the fact she now has a boyfriend, because of that the rules seemed to suddenly change, because flirtatious comments like that weren't a problem before. Now, understandable as that may be, photography is not only for the one taking the photo, but for those that it's put out there to see. I don't see anything wrong in that guys comment. "Thanks for the image snack." It sounds weird, but for me translates to, this picture is awesome and thanks for sharing. He just had his own way of saying it, that others took offense to. The girls bf then goes on to say how proud he is of her for sticking up for their relationship, but all I see that she did was yell at a guy for saying that her photo was lovely. Kind of uncalled for to me. If the boyfriend has a problem with her chosen art form, because of the comments it can bring then she needs to work something out with him or make her photo's a little less for the public and more for herself.

That was just strike one for me. The second was when another girl commented about the picture being beautiful and then giving suggestions and ideas for what she'd like to see this girl do in future photography. She then added to her comment that if the girl had a problem with the guys comment that she could always unfriend/block him. The girl then yelled at this person as well, saying that she shouldn't give compliments with such a serious undertone, just to cover for wanting to comment about the argument over what the guy said. That was absolutely rude in my opinion. The model yelled at this girl who complimented her photography all over the fact she told her that if she didn't like what he had to say that she could block him. Sounds to me like this girl should calm down and stop yelling at people who enjoy her work. That's a good way to lose fans.